3 Important Tips To Remember When Using A Car Shipping Company

26 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you're moving across the country, you may need some form of transportation for vehicles you don't plan on driving personally to the new residence. Car shipping companies can handle this challenge with a breeze. To ensure this shipping experience goes smoothly, remember these tips. 

Document Your Vehicle's Condition 

Before your vehicle is shipped across state lines, you need to verify the condition of your vehicle. After all, you want to be able to spot new damage if it occurs during this transportation. You can then show that this damage is new and not on the account of your negligence, saving you money on repairs. 

There are many ways you can document your vehicle's condition. Probably the easiest is to take videos and pictures, showing the status of the interior and exterior of your vehicle. Also write any damages down on paper with a thorough explanation. This documentation could save you a lot of headache should something happen to your vehicle.

Remove Personal Items 

Prepping for a move can get hectic because you only have a certain amount of time before your move-in date. You don't want to rush getting the personal belongings out of your vehicle, however. Rather, you need to carefully scan every segment of your vehicle for these possessions.

Look for things like CDs, car radio face-plate, detachable speakers, clothes, change, navigation systems, and other detachable car features. With these belongings in your possession, you won't have to worry about them getting misplaced throughout the long-distance traveling that your vehicle will be exposed to.

Be Selective with Car Placement 

When working with a car shipping company, you don't just want them transporting your vehicle anywhere on their heavy-duty trucks. You actually need to be very specific as far as location to ensure no unnecessary damage occurs to your vehicle.

If the transporting truck has a two-tier system, it's important to get your vehicle on the very top. This way, it won't be as susceptible to getting hit by loose gravel in the road. Just make sure you don't have to pay additional costs for having your vehicle stored on a particular area of the truck. 

Shipping your car across the country may seem like an ambitious endeavor. It actually doesn't have to be so long as you take the necessary precautions. Being as thorough as you can be when working with a car shipping company can help you avoid a lot of costly and stressful complications.
